Noticias em eLiteracias

✇ Serials Review

XXXII Annual Charleston Conference (November 7–10, Charleston, SC)

11 de Novembro de 2017, 21:28
Publication date: June 2013
Source:Serials Review, Volume 39, Issue 2
Author(s): Chris Bulock

✇ Serials Review

Developing Issues in Licensing: Text Mining, MOOCs, and More

11 de Novembro de 2017, 21:28
Publication date: September 2013
Source:Serials Review, Volume 39, Issue 3
Author(s): Andrée J. Rathemacher

✇ RUIDERAe: Revista de Unidades de Información. Descripción de Experiencias y Resultados Aplicados


21 de Fevereiro de 2018, 12:56

Digitales de las instituciones bibliotecarias es una especie de “biblioteca de bibliotecas” que aspira a ser una biblioteca global española, restringida a un tema específico, las obras de Ovidio, y centrada en el género del libro antiguo ilustrado, es decir, con una orientación claramente iconográfica.

Esta contribución pretende reflexionar sobre la definición de este tipo de Bibliotecas Digitales globales, temáticas y de corte iconográfico, y hacerse preguntas sobre el papel que desempeñan en relación con la difusión, pero sobre todo en relación con la conservación del patrimonio bibliográfico.


The Biblioteca Digital Ovidiana, as a specific digital platform different from the ussual  Digital Libraries belonging to library institutions, is a kind of "library of libraries" that aims to be a global Spanish library, even though restricted to a specific theme, the works of Ovid, and centered on the specific genre of the illustrated book, that is, with a clear iconographical orientation.

This contribution aims to reflect on the definition of this type of global digital libraries, thematic and iconographic, and to ask questions in relation to the role they play in disseminating, but especially in preserving the bibliographic heritage.

✇ RUIDERAe: Revista de Unidades de Información. Descripción de Experiencias y Resultados Aplicados


21 de Fevereiro de 2018, 12:56

El mayor problema al que la gestión del patrimonio bibliográfico se enfrenta no es tanto el de la catalogación de los fondos existentes (una cuestión tampoco menor), la adquisición retrospectiva, o la conservación y preservación de los ejemplares, sino todos aquellos aspectos que están relacionados con la difusión cultural o conocimiento público de las ricas colecciones de fondos bibliográficos antiguos. Sin recordar la legislación al respecto y sin relatar los procedimientos que deben seguirse en el montaje de exposiciones o en la digitalización de libros antiguos, en esta comunicación se dan algunas “pinceladas” sobre los problemas que se dan al tratar de difundir nuestro patrimonio bibliográfico a través de las dos principales herramientas de que disponemos para ello: la musealización y la digitalización.

The main problem that the management of the bibliographic heritage faces is not so much the cataloging of existing collections (a not minor issue), the retrospective acquisition, or conservation and preservation of the copies, but all those aspects related whit the cultural or public dissemination of the rich and ancient bibliographical collections. Without remembering the legislation in this respect and without mentioning the procedures to be followed in the assembly of exhibitions or in the digitization of old books, this paper gives some "brush-strokes" about the problems that happen when trying to spread our bibliographic heritage through the main tools available: musealization and digitization.

✇ RUIDERAe: Revista de Unidades de Información. Descripción de Experiencias y Resultados Aplicados


21 de Fevereiro de 2018, 12:56

Los archivos personales son verdaderos bancos de pruebas para los bibliotecarios, tanto por su complejo proceso técnico, como por el difícil equilibrio que hay que realizar entre la conservación y la difusión, así como por los aspectos legales que les afectan. En el año 2014, la Biblioteca Universitaria de La Laguna recibió el Archivo personal de José Agustín Álvarez Rixo, cronista y alcalde del Puerto de la Cruz (Tenerife), personaje fundamental en la historiografía canaria del s. XIX. Esta comunicación pretende dar a conocer el trabajo técnico realizado con el archivo y, especialmente, las acciones realizadas para su difusión.

Personal archives are real test bed for librarians due to their complex technical process and because of the difficult balance that exists between conservation and dissemination, as well as due to the legal aspects that affect them. In 2014, La Laguna University Library received the personal archive of José Agustín Álvarez Rixo, historian and mayor of Puerto de la Cruz (Tenerife) and a fundamental character of the Canarian historiography of the 19th century. This communication wants to make known the technical work made with the archives, and specially, the actions that took its dissemination.

✇ RUIDERAe: Revista de Unidades de Información. Descripción de Experiencias y Resultados Aplicados


21 de Fevereiro de 2018, 12:56

En esta comunicación vamos a comentar una experiencia que une conservación y promoción de unos fondos muy concretos de la BUSC, depositados en la correspondiente colección de nuestro repositorio Minerva. Abordamos una estrategia de difusión a través de redes sociales, no solamente dirigida a la comunidad universitaria, sino a otras entidades académicas y a la ciudadanía, reafirmando la presencia de la institución en la ciudad de Santiago de Compostela. Una vez lanzada la campaña, observamos un incremento de  visitas al repositorio, una interacción variada en distintos medios y, por tanto, una puesta en valor de nuestros materiales y de la propia institución.


In this work, we’ll talk about our experience joining preservation and promotion of some of our library stocks, now digitalized in Minerva, the University repository. We started a strategy in social networks and traditional media as well, oriented to all the people involved in the university but not only: we wanted to reach many other citizens, underlying the identity and presence of the University at the proper Santiago de Compostela. As soon as we started this promotion, we realized that the visits to the university repository were increasing, and also the interactions in social networks, highlighting and showing the value of our materials.

✇ RUIDERAe: Revista de Unidades de Información. Descripción de Experiencias y Resultados Aplicados


21 de Fevereiro de 2018, 12:56

La Biblioteca Central de la Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED) custodia una serie de colecciones especiales que incorporan fondos relevantes por su contenido y por su antigüedad. Uno de los objetivos de la Biblioteca es la difusión de este patrimonio bibliográfico a través de sus propios recursos (catálogos, repositorio institucional) pero también participando en proyectos de cooperación bibliotecaria, como las iniciativas de Rebiun o del Consorcio Madroño, y en diferentes catálogos colectivos.


The Universidad Nacional de Educacion a Distancia (UNED) Library holds a number of special collections that incorporate relevant funds due to their content and their antiquity. One of the objectives of the Library is the dissemination of this Bibliographical Heritage through its own resources (catalogs, institutional repository), but also participating in projects of cooperation, such as the initiatives of Rebiun or the Consorcio Madroño, and in different collective catalogs.

✇ RUIDERAe: Revista de Unidades de Información. Descripción de Experiencias y Resultados Aplicados


21 de Fevereiro de 2018, 12:56

Se expone el caso de éxito que supone el protocolo OAI-PMH. Se ilustra con la iniciativa Hispana, agregador nacional español de metadatos de Europeana. Se discute la visión del catálogo colectivo del Grupo de Trabajo de Patrimonio Bibliográfico de las universidades españolas. Se menciona el proyecto ENUMERATE, estadísticas de la digitalización del patrimonio cultural digital europeo. Se valora el uso de tecnologías Linked Open Data en el entorno del Patrimonio Bibliográfico, Archivístico y Museológico. Se propone la creación de un sistema digital basado en el modelo de recolección de metadatos y se aboga por la implantación de un agregador de metadatos conforme a la tecnología Linked Open Data.


The success case of the OAI-PMH protocol is described. It is illustrated with the initiative of Hispana, the national aggregator of metadata. The vision of the Collective Catalogue of the Working Group on Bibliographic Heritage of the Spanish universities is discussed. ENUMERATE statistics digital cultural heritage project is mentioned.  The use of Linked Open Data technologies in the context of Archival and Museum Bibliographic Heritage is valued. The creation of a digital system based on the metadata harvesting model is proposed and the implementation of a metadata aggregator according to Linked Open Data technology is advocated.

✇ RUIDERAe: Revista de Unidades de Información. Descripción de Experiencias y Resultados Aplicados


21 de Fevereiro de 2018, 12:56

El proyecto consiste en mostrar el proceso de reconversión de AACR2 a RDA de los registros bibliográficos de la colección cervantina de la UIB, con el fin de aumentar su proyección y visibilidad, y de contribuir, con todo ello, a la difusión del patrimonio bibliográfico. También pretende establecer pautas para llevar a cabo futuras reconversiones automatizadas de registros.


The project consists in the process of conversion from AARC2 to RDA of bibliographic records of the Cervantine special collection at the UIB, in order to increase its projection and visibility, and at the same time to contribute to the dissemination of the bibliographic heritage. It also pretends to set guidelines to carry out conversions of records in the future.

✇ RUIDERAe: Revista de Unidades de Información. Descripción de Experiencias y Resultados Aplicados


21 de Fevereiro de 2018, 12:56

La difusión del patrimonio bibliográfico se convierte en una tarea primordial para los centros gestores de este tipo de colecciones. En este trabajo presentamos el programa de actividades de difusión de la colección de fondo antiguo del CEPLI, Centro de Estudios de Promoción de la Lectura y Literatura Infantil, de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha. Desde su creación en 2000 hasta la actualidad, este centro de investigación, en colaboración con la Biblioteca General del Campus de Cuenca y el Servicio de Publicaciones, han hecho un esfuerzo por poner en valor esta colección a partir de diferentes actuaciones encaminadas a difundir algunos de sus ejemplares más valiosos y emblemáticos. Destacamos por su valor documental, estético y de investigación la recuperación de obras a través de la edición facsimilar.


The diffusion of the bibliographic heritage becomes a primary task for the management centers of these collections. In this work, we present the CEPLI’s (Center for Studies on Promotion of Reading and Children's Literature, University of Castilla-La Mancha) program of activities of diffusion of antique fund. Since its creation in 2000 to date, this research center, in collaboration with the General Library of the Campus of Cuenca and the Publications Service, has made an effort to value this collection through different actions aimed at spreading some its most valuable and emblematic books among the university community in particular and society in general. Due to its documentary, aesthetic and research value, we highlight the recovery of books through the facsimile edition.

✇ RUIDERAe: Revista de Unidades de Información. Descripción de Experiencias y Resultados Aplicados


21 de Fevereiro de 2018, 12:56

Entre las distintas acciones llevadas a cabo por la Universitat de València en pro de la difusión de su fondo patrimonial, la biblioteca digital Somni constituye una pieza clave.

Desde el año 2000 se han ido digitalizando principalmente los fondos de la Biblioteca Històrica, proporcionando el acceso libre a un número creciente de obras en dominio público (manuscritos, incunables, carteles, prensa histórica, etc.). El objetivo principal es difundir los fondos patrimoniales a la vez que garantizar su preservación y conservación. A fecha de hoy, Somni, integrado en el repositorio RODERIC de la Universitat, da acceso a más de 6.117 documentos.

Entre los planes de mejora previstos para Somni, se incluyen aspectos como la implementación de nuevos servicios añadidos a la imagen digitalizada: (OCR, etc.) y aumentar su visibilidad. A su vez, el proyecto de exposiciones virtuales que está desarrollando el Servei de Biblioteques i Documentació de la Universitat de València, pretende mostrar los fondos históricos propios relacionados con diversos temas de interés, enlazando las piezas expuestas con su digitalización a texto completo.


Among the different actions carried out by the Universitat de València in favor of the diffusion of its bibliographic heritage, the digital library Somni constitutes a key piece to show its works.

Since 2000, the most of the documents that have been digitalized are those from the Biblioteca Històrica providing free access to a growing number of works in public domain (manuscripts, incunabula, posters, historical press, etc.). The main objective is to spread the patrimonial works while ensuring their preservation and conservation. Until now, Somni, integrated in the repository RODERIC of the University, gives access to more than 6.177 documents.

Among the improvement plans for Somni are aspects such as the implementation of new services added to the digitized image (OCR, etc.) and increase its visibility. At the same time, the project of virtual exhibitions developed by the Servei de Biblioteques i Documentació of the Universitat de València, aims to show its own historical backgrounds related to various topics of interest, linking the exhibited works with their digitization to full text.

✇ RUIDERAe: Revista de Unidades de Información. Descripción de Experiencias y Resultados Aplicados


21 de Fevereiro de 2018, 12:56

A la vista del documento conservado en el Archivo Histórico Universitario de la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela con la relación oficial manuscrita de los libros ingresados en la Biblioteca Universitaria en 1891 procedentes de la Biblioteca del Duque de Osuna, se analiza el proceso de identificación y localización de estos libros en el fondo de la Biblioteca, se identifican las distintas marcas de esta procedencia presentes en las obras (superlibris dorado de la Biblioteca de Osuna, signaturas originales, sellos, encuadernación, etc.) y se hace una evaluación general sobre la composición de este fondo y su valor dentro del riquísimo patrimonio bibliográfico de la Biblioteca de la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela.


In sight of the document preserved in the University Historical Archive of the University of Santiago de Compostela of the official handwritten list of books entered in the University Library in 1891 from the Library of the Duque de Osuna, the process of identification and location of these books is analyzed in the collection of the Library, the different provenance indicators present in the works (golden superlibris of the Library of Osuna, original signatures, stamps, binding, etc.) are identified and a general evaluation is made on the composition of this collection and its value within the rich bibliographic heritage of the Library of the University of Santiago de Compostela.

✇ RUIDERAe: Revista de Unidades de Información. Descripción de Experiencias y Resultados Aplicados


21 de Fevereiro de 2018, 12:56

Síntesis de un proyecto de intervención sobre una colección de incunables. Se trata de una metodología de revisión de su estado de conservación y de la propuesta de una serie de tratamientos, que permite organizar la información de una manera clara y breve. Como resultado, se facilita el trabajo al restaurador y se obtienen unas conclusiones muy interesantes y útiles sobre el estado de conservación de dicha colección.


Summary of an intervention project on a collection of incunabula. It’s a methodology for reviewing its conservation condition and the proposal of a series of treatments, which allows to organize the information in a clear and brief way. As a result, the work is facilitated to the restorer and very interesting and useful conclusions about the condition of conservation of the collection are obtained.

✇ RUIDERAe: Revista de Unidades de Información. Descripción de Experiencias y Resultados Aplicados


21 de Fevereiro de 2018, 12:56

En julio de 2015, con motivo del 400 aniversario de la publicación de la segunda parte de El Quijote, el grupo LIEL de la UCLM editó el catálogo Los Quijotes del CEPLI con los libros que alberga la biblioteca del CEPLI relacionados con la figura de tan particular caballero andante. Si bien este catálogo se acompañó de una exposición, esto no quedó solo en un instrumento divulgativo, si no que sirvió para llevar a cabo una innovación docente para la lectura de los clásicos en las aulas del primer ciclo de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria.

In July 2015, commemorating the 400th anniversary of the publication of the Second Part of El Quijote, LIEL group in UCLM published the catalog Los Quijotes del CEPLI, an anthology which contains more than a hundred books related to the figure of so particular errant knight. Although this catalog was accompanied by an exhibition, this was not only an informative instrument, but it served to carry out a teaching innovation for the reading of the classics in the classrooms of the first cycle of compulsory secondary education.

✇ Reference Services Review

Chatting while you work

27 de Abril de 2018, 12:39
Reference Services Review, Volume 46, Issue 4, Page 587-599, November 2018.
Purpose To understand chat reference user needs at the University of Arizona Libraries, this study aims to analyze the differences in READ (Reference Effort Assessment Data) scores and content from two different chat reference origins: the library website and, course sites within the campus course management system, Desire2Learn. Design/methodology/approach The authors have used a mixed methods approach, whereby ordinal regression has been performed on READ scores and grounded theory on chat transcripts in the analysis of themes. This content comparison offers insight into the variations of how and why users ask for help at different chat reference service points. Findings The results of the content comparison inform the understanding of the reasons behind library users’ needs and questions at various stages in their academic workflow. The analysis also has implications for future chat reference training, as well as underscores the need for continued integration of library services and resources into online educational technology systems. Practical implications The findings support the importance of collocating research/reference support and course content, and underscore the value of library integration with course management systems. The analysis also serves as user-needs assessment data, with the potential to inform library services beyond reference, such as information literacy instruction or collection development. Originality/value This study aims to fill a gap in the literature by investigating differences in chat reference transcripts based on chat reference origin.
✇ Reference Services Review

Media literacy and newspapers of record

24 de Maio de 2018, 02:37
Reference Services Review, Volume 46, Issue 2, Page 205-216, June 2018.
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to describe the challenges associated with identifying newspapers of record for local, regional and national newspapers, specifically as those challenges pertain to students’ news media literacy. Visual literacy and information literacy intersections are explored. Design/methodology/approach Newspapers of record for province/territory and state areas of Canada and the United States of America were identified for student project purposes. Criteria for newspaper of record qualification were investigated, refined, and applied to all newspapers reviewed. Findings Distinguishing newspapers of record based on traditional criteria is inadequate in an online environment. Criteria must be more flexible and address both the visual as well as the content aspects of newspapers. Neither database access nor native website access alone is sufficient for identifying these newspapers. Straightforward and definitive identification of these newspapers will no longer be possible. Practical implications Librarians will be faced with focusing on content or visual literacy, addressing both in a meaningful way during a single instruction session will be difficult. More strategic instruction within and across disciplines is necessary to produce news media-literate and savvy students. Originality/value News media literacy for students in all disciplines is an urgent need and must incorporate both visual and content literacies. In a time of proliferation of news sources, understanding the challenges associated with identifying newspapers of record for both librarians and students is a necessary step in this area of information literacy.
✇ Reference Services Review

Functional diversity literacy

24 de Maio de 2018, 02:38
Reference Services Review, Volume 46, Issue 2, Page 242-250, June 2018.
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to discuss the problematic nature of librarian attitudes toward people with disabilities and how a language change to the use of the term “functionally diverse” can highlight a greater sense of inclusion and equality, as well as develop a new type of literacy that focuses on understanding and awareness of disabilities, accessibility and difference. Design/methodology/approach This paper examines current trends of language use about people with disabilities and then posits a counterpoint by discussing functional diversity as a viable alternative in not just language but also literacy. Findings Examples of current problematic language by librarians are drawn from social media and the literature. The examples are deconstructed in regard to why they are problematically exclusive, and then the alternative language of functional diversity is examined as a way to be more inclusive. Developing a new literacy in terms of interaction with functionally diverse people is also discussed. Originality/value Library literature on disability largely focuses on a case study approach and on the view of how to assist people with single disabilities. This is one of the very few papers that focuses on discussing the underlying attitudes and assumptions of librarians that make outreach to people with disabilities who use libraries, difficult. This is also one of the few papers that discusses the need for a new type of literacy within librarianship.
✇ Reference Services Review

Toward a socio-contextual understanding of transliteracy

24 de Maio de 2018, 02:40
Reference Services Review, Volume 46, Issue 2, Page 178-188, June 2018.
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to explore the emerging concept of transliteracy from the perspective of literacy as a socially constructed and contextual practice. Design/methodology/approach A systematic review of the literature explores the origins and development of transliteracy in the context of the multiple understandings of literacy. An argument is made that the current discussion among academic librarians about transliteracy as a set of skills is incompatible with its socio-constructivist roots. Findings Librarians’ interest in transliteracy stems from its relationship to information literacy, with current discussion focused on defining its skills. However, a skills-based perspective does not reflect the nature of what it means to be transliterate. Rather than a common set of skills that are practiced across multiple media platforms, transliteracy can be reconceptualized as a social practice that crosses multiple contexts (e.g. school, home and workplace). Practical implications This expanded understanding better aligns transliteracy to recent developments in information literacy, such as the knowledge practices of the ACRL framework. Originality/value This paper introduces an expanded understanding of transliteracy, adding to the growing conversation about the relationship between emergent literacies and information literacy.
✇ Reference Services Review

Mapping information literacy using the Business Research Competencies

24 de Maio de 2018, 02:42
Reference Services Review, Volume 46, Issue 4, Page 543-564, November 2018.
Purpose Librarians in higher education have adopted curriculum mapping in an effort to determine where effective information literacy instruction can help fill gaps in the curriculum and prepare students for both coursework and future research demands. While curriculum mapping has been used widely across academia, few studies have considered business curriculum and the development of information literacy instruction. This paper aims to provide an overview of the current landscape of curriculum mapping across business courses at two institutions and a replicable methodology for other institutions. Design/methodology/approach In this paper, the authors will examine two case studies at large research universities that evaluate curriculum mapping against the BRASS Business Research Competencies at the undergraduate and the graduate business levels. Findings This study found that the Business Research Competencies are a valid method to evaluate in both case studies. Curriculum mapping also uncovered various gaps in business education across the curricula at both institutions and led to open discussions with faculty in an effort to improve the success of students both during their degree programs and into their careers. Originality/value This study provides a framework and methodology for evaluating business curriculums against robust standards to improve student success. With examples from undergraduate and graduate programs, the results of this project promise to have long-lasting implications on the development of curriculums across business programs, including the value of librarian support in developing Business Research Competencies.
✇ Reference Services Review

Saudi students, American academic library: revisited

24 de Maio de 2018, 02:49
Reference Services Review, Volume 46, Issue 4, Page 565-577, November 2018.
Purpose This study aimed to use both quantitative and qualitative methods for assessing Saudi Arabian students’ experiences in using the library of a small American university and to compare the findings against those of a representative sample of American classmates. Design/methodology/approach The project used a paper survey in querying 164 Saudi Arabian and 273 American students studying at Robert Morris University in 2017. Findings The study found that Saudi subjects were much more likely to believe that their informational needs were misunderstood by librarians than American participants in the survey. Research limitations/implications Poor participation in the qualitative phase limited, to some degree, the interpretation that could be carried out of the study’s quantitative results. Practical implications The study’s findings strongly reveal the need for libraries and librarians to highly prioritize effective communication when providing service to international students. Originality/value This is only the second study to ever focus on the library experiences of Saudi Arabian students in American academic libraries, and it is the first to concentrate on the subjective aspect of understanding between librarians and international students. It is of value to library administrators, as well as librarians and library staff who interact with international students.
✇ Reference Services Review

Supporting multimodal literacy in library instruction

30 de Maio de 2018, 08:27
Reference Services Review, Volume 46, Issue 2, Page 164-177, June 2018.
Purpose Students interact with information in many ways throughout the day, code switching between modes depending on their needs. Educators are finally realizing that composing in more than one mode is not only important, but also necessary. The purpose of this study is to examine the role of the academic library, the ACRL Framework and information literacy instruction in creating ethical, inspired users. Design/methodology/approach This paper looks at previously published work on multimodal discourse, how libraries have supported modes in the past and how the ACRL Information Literacy Framework highlights the need to teach students and faculty how to compose in many modes. Findings Librarians are already well-versed in many literacies, including information, visual and media. They are familiar with multimodal tools and the ethical issues related to the use of images, videos and sound files. While professors are proficient in subject matter, librarians are experts in the paradigm shift from print to multiple modes; therefore, by teaching faculty and students to locate, evaluate, use ethically and cite various modes, librarians become the primary resource on campus for creating multimodal artifacts. The strata used by Kress and Van Leeuwen, coupled with the ACRL Framework, are a model for future instructional design. Originality/value While much has been written on visual literacy, little is written on library support of multimodal discourse or combining several modes in one argument. This paper is alone in reviewing the past support of multimodal literacy in libraries and gives some sample activities for use in the academic library.
✇ Reference Services Review

Collaborating to improve access of video for all

6 de Junho de 2018, 02:25
Reference Services Review, Ahead of Print.
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to illustrate one library’s role in the development of a new collaborative captioning service to provide accessible media for classroom use. This pilot project created a new workflow for on-demand captioning of videos. Design/methodology/approach Through collaboration and iteration, university and library personnel addressed the challenges involved in building new and improved services related to accessible media resources. Circulation and acquisition data were collected via Alma Analytics. Findings Working collaboratively enabled the expansion and improvement of specialized services to the deaf and hard of hearing community on campus. Originality/value While many libraries provide captioning for their communities, little is found in the literature to help others establish a similar service. This study demonstrates how collaborative planning can efficiently and effectively use resources and expertise to create a sustainable service, and it may provide an example that could be followed by other institutions with limited budgets.
✇ Reference Services Review

Library roles in advancing graduate peer-tutor agency and integrated academic literacies

8 de Junho de 2018, 02:13
Reference Services Review, Volume 46, Issue 2, Page 272-293, June 2018.
Purpose This paper aims to apply integrated academic literacies and threshold concepts constructs to the development of graduate student literacies. Western Washington University has developed a graduate peer-tutors program to advance integrated academic literacies and graduate student agency. Graduate peer-tutors are expert-outsiders (Nowacek and Hughes, 2015): expert in conversations about literacies and outsiders to disciplinary expertise. Peer-tutors augment a support ecosystem that includes faculty advisors, subject librarians and others. Libraries should lead innovative programs to develop integrated literacies, and librarians should leverage both subject and literacies expertise as part of an ecosystem of support. Design/methodology/approach Drawing on library, writing center and higher education scholarship, the author draws on research methodologies from writing center scholarship to explore models for integrated graduate student literacies. The author collaborates with graduate peer-tutors to connect theory and practice in the Graduate Research & Writing Studio (GRWS). Findings Peer-tutor models offer a valuable layer of support for graduate students engaged in thesis-writing. Peer-tutors, faculty advisors and subject librarians play important roles in advancing development of integrated literacies. The role of peer-tutors is unique in advancing integrated literacies, and addressing affective barriers and equity concerns. Practical implications Economic pressures have transformed higher education, ushering new populations into graduate programs. Opportunities to enhance inclusivity cannot be realized without support for development of literacies. Libraries should lead with innovative services that address barriers to graduate student success. Originality/value The author leverages the unique laboratory offered by the GRWS and engages graduate peer-tutors in connecting scholarship and practice. Drawing on contemporary theoretical lenses on literacies, she argues for libraries’ leadership of programs that support integrated graduate student literacies.
✇ Reference Services Review

Of primary importance: applying the new literacy guidelines

8 de Junho de 2018, 02:15
Reference Services Review, Volume 46, Issue 2, Page 217-241, June 2018.
Purpose Written by a librarian and history professor, the purpose of this paper is to describe a collaborative, primary source literacy project and report its effectiveness in teaching undergraduates to critically analyze information and develop primary source literacy. Design/methodology/approach The methodology used included a research project with 24 undergraduates and a pre- and post-survey. The research project and student survey incorporated principles from the “Guidelines for Primary Source Literacy”, published in 2017 by the ACRL’s Rare Books and Manuscripts Section and the Society of American Archivists. The paper offers research and practical implications for librarians and instructors interested in strategies to teach information literacy. For instance, the paper includes a review of literature on “archival intelligence” or “primary source literacy” and describes the 2017 Guidelines for Primary Source Literacy. Findings Socially, the paper includes implications for how to create an inclusive learning experience for students with mechanisms such as a scaffolded assignment, hands-on instruction, imposter syndrome awareness and a no-Google policy. Originality/value Given that this is one of the first articles to document how practitioners are incorporating the new 2017 Guidelines, this is sure to be an original and valuable essay.