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Differentiation strategies to support learners

Por Kathy Schrock
This article originally appeared in the Discovery Education blog "Kathy Schrock's Katch of the Month" in May 2018 and is re-posted here with permission.


Differentiation of instruction for all students in your classroom is sometimes a daunting task. How do you ensure all students receive the curriculum content in the way they learn and understand best?
Cathy Weselby, in a March 2020 post on the Resilient Educator Web site, provides a well-stated overview of the important research, history, and methodologies for differentiating instruction in the classroom.
I love this practical overview.
Differentiating instruction may mean teaching the same material to all students using a variety of instructional strategies, or it may require the teacher to deliver lessons at varying levels of difficulty based on the ability of each student.
Teachers who practice differentiation in the classroom may:
    • Design lessons based on students’ learning styles.
    • Group students by shared interest, topic, or ability for assignments.
    • Assess students’ learning using formative assessment.
    • Manage the classroom to create a safe and supportive environment.
    • Continually assess and adjust lesson content to meet students’ needs.
Differentiation may not mean implementing just one of these five methods, but let’s go over some specific ways teachers can use differentiation strategies by using a digital media product such as Discovery Education Streaming Plus.

For students in middle and high school, teachers can administer a survey that asks about their preferred method(s) of learning to help when designing lessons. One useful survey I found was the NC State University Index of Learning Styles Questionnaire. Teachers could also create their own survey using a Google Form. The Georgia DOE offers a learning styles survey that might work for the upper elementary students here.
For the younger students, this post by Michelle Baumgartner on the blog provides some practical ways to determine a student’s learning style. She suggests looking at note-taking style, problem-solving methods, observing social behavior and personal tendencies, and determining what learning aids the student turns to often. Baumgartner includes an overview of the learning styles and practical advice for each of these categories. These same strategies would work for ELL learners, too. The Georgia DOE offers a survey that may be useful for the upper elementary grades.
For special education students, by consulting with their special education teacher and reviewing the student’s IEP, as well as observing the student, would help the educator develop strategies to support these students.

To differentiate within Discovery Education Streaming Plus, teachers have the ability to both pick a multitude of content types, as well as assign the lesson to individual students, groups of students, or the entire class. This allows the teacher to group students by shared interest, topic, or ability.

Discovery Education Streaming Plus also includes a ton of instructional strategies, divided up by type of strategy, and there are many that can be used to as formative assessments. Below, you can see the menu and then just a few of the summarizing strategies you can use for a formative assessment.

Graphic organizers are included which teachers can assign to students as a quick formative assessment, too!

As you differentiate instruction and create groupings for a safe and supportive classroom environment, it might be good idea to use the online tool, Floor Plan Creator, to create multiple classroom set-ups that students can easily view to move their desks, chairs, and beanbags around. If you create a few of these, students will not get bored with the layouts and you can ensure you are able to get around to the areas and can see all the students.

There are summative assessment tools available in Discovery Education Streaming Plus, also, and it is easy to grade their work and suggest alternatives images, videos, or audio that they might use in their project. There is an assessment builder built-in that allows teachers to create Technology-Enhanced Assessment (TEA) from an item library that offers a variety of interactive item types. By using these tools, it allows teachers to easily adjust assessments.
Board Builder is a tool, found in Discovery Education, that allows users to create digital bulletin boards with a variety of media, including items from Discovery Education Streaming Plus and self-­created resources. The tool can be used for topic delivery and engagement, for assessment, and to determine student understanding.

As I wrote about in my April 2020 Kathy’s Katch blog post, there are also tons of editable assets in Discovery Education Streaming Plus that can be used with other tools like PowerPoint or Keynote, Padlet, the Adobe Spark Suite, and many other content-creation tools. Give some of them a try, too!
How do you differentiate instruction in your classroom? Have you used DES to do so? Please share your tips and tricks on Twitter! #kathyskatch

Creating with Discovery Education

Por Kathy Schrock
This article originally appeared in the Discovery Education blog "Kathy Schrock's Katch of the Month" in April 2020 and is re-posted here with permission.


For the past few years, I have focused my energies on supporting teachers who are creating assessments, both formative and summative, which target student’s higher order thinking skills. Oftentimes, as I was creating an exemplar to showcase to teachers, I turned to Discovery Education for content to use in the sample assessment.
Discovery Education includes tools within their product that allow teachers to create exemplar assessments and assignments and have students create them, too. However, I also love all the other online tools that allow students to showcase their content knowledge, so I tend to focus on online tools and local apps when conducting trainings.
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
One of the coolest features of Discovery Education is the tons of assets that are found in their product! There are videos (full and also broken down into short segments), photographs, drawings, and more. These assets are searchable by grade level, type of asset, etc. What is best about these assets is, if your school has a subscription to Discovery Education, teachers and students can use the great editable content in Discovery Education with local and online tools and apps projects!

Adobe has a suite of tools called Adobe Spark. The three tools included are a web page creation tool, a video creation tool, and a graphic creation tool and there are tons of sample templates to pick from and images that can be easily added to the project.
A teacher can create an Adobe Spark Page and embed video clips in the Page. These editable clips will have to be downloaded from Discovery Education and uploaded to YouTube or Vimeo in order to embed them in the Adobe Spark Page. Teachers can then provide their own written overview of the content, a list of things they want students to look for in the video, and extension activities students can complete. The teacher can include links back to other videos within Discovery Education on the same page, too.
Here is an example of an Adobe Spark Page with the inclusion of a Discovery Education video clip to view!

Teachers can easily create narrated overviews of content for student access using Adobe Spark Video, which allows the inclusion of images, photographs, and Discovery Education videos on separate slides and narration of the “show” which ends up a easy-to-create video lesson! Adobe offers the Adobe Spark suite of tools — Video, Post, and Page — to districts for no cost with the ability to limit the postings to just the district, but, if your district has not yet taken advantage of that solution yet, teachers and students over 14 can create their own accounts here. Adobe also includes a ton of ideas for using Adobe Spark Education that would tie-in nicely with the Discovery Education content!

Padlet is a great online tool that allows teachers and students to easily post and share their thoughts, videos, images, links, and much more. There are a slew of education-based templates to chose from.
Students can upload editable Discovery Education video clips or photos to Padlet and create a collaborative information board for classroom review.

Many teachers are already using Flipgrid to create a topic and have students leave video feedback to that topic and also to the videos of classmates. It is a super easy tool to use!
Teachers can use the editable assets in Discovery Education to create a topic in Flipgrid and have the students respond, reflect, and build upon each other’s knowledge. You can record to this grid at

Adobe Spark Posts allows students to bring in images and put text on them. Students can use an image from Discovery Education as a background for a 6 Word Summary or Six Word Story they create in Adobe Spark Post.
Here is my sample, created with an image from Discovery Education.

One of the easiest and powerful graphic design tools on the Web is Canva. Canva includes templates for wedding invitations to Instagram posts and everything in-between!
Students can use a series of images or screenshots (from the editable content) from Discovery Education videos to create a timeline in Canva or even create an informative infographic.

What are some other creative ideas you can think of for using the content in Discovery Education with online tools, local software, or apps? If you already have Discovery Education, have you mashed up the content in the product with other online tools to help students learn? Please share you ideas on Twitter! #kathyskatch

Thinking processes and STEM

Por Kathy Schrock
This article originally appeared in the Discovery Education blog "Kathy Schrock's Katch of the Month" in March 2019 and is re-posted here with permission.


The hundreds of quality STEM-related videos and materials in the Discovery Education online collection make it easy to find content to use for your lessons and units. However, take time for students to develop a solid thinking process before starting your STEM unit.
STEM, with its combined focus on science, technology, engineering and math, should also include the important skill of learning how to think. There are many models of thinking processes available to teach to students, each with a different focus or goal. I am going to showcase some of the most popular and let you, as the creative educator, pick the one that best meets the needs of your students. You might even decide to take the most relevant parts of each and develop your own model!
After you read about each model, ask yourself the following questions.
  • How would I introduce this model into the classroom?
  • What content in the STEM curriculum would benefit most from this model?
  • What can I easily adapt to infuse this model?
  • What would implementation of this model look like in the classroom?
  • What would be my goal(s) for students when using this model?
  • Where can I find additional resources on this model?

Model 1: Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy

Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy, a revision of a cognitive thinking classification, was published in 2001 by Anderson and Krathwohl. Their goal was to move the elements of the classification from static to action verbs and combine the classification with four types of knowledge acquisition for students. From these two components, the cognitive process dimension and the knowledge dimension, teachers could create learning objectives and help students move through the levels of the basic taxonomy – Remembering, Understanding, Applying, Analyzing, Evaluating, and Creating – and move them from the use of lower order thinking skills to the higher order thinking skills.
Anderson and Krathwohl defined the Knowledge Dimension as a place for student to move from concrete through abstract knowledge, and through the four categories of factual knowledge, conceptual knowledge, procedural knowledge, and metacognitive knowledge.
We are all familiar with the Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy classification of the cognitive processes shown below.

Image CC-licensed by Andrea Hernandez CC BY_SA 2.0

However, the most useful part of helping students move through these levels, as they learn something new, are the more specific verbs that fall under the six broader categories in the pyramid image.
The image below, from the IslandWood Education wiki, provides further explanation of the components of this thinking process.

In 2008, Andrew Churches mapped the Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy to the use of technology to help students move from the lower to higher order thinking skills and published Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy.

Additional resources for Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy

Model 2: Computational thinking

Computational thinking (CT), as defined in Google’s “Computational Thinking for Educators” course as a…
…problem solving process that includes a number of characteristics and dispositions. CT is essential to the development of computer applications, but it can also be used to support problem solving across all disciplines, including the humanities, math, and science. Students who learn CT across the curriculum can begin to see a relationship between academic subjects, as well as between life inside and outside of the classroom. ?

Traditionally, the broad overview of Computational Thinking was “an approach to solving problems in a way that can be solved by a computer”. The model has students thinking like a computer scientist in areas across the curriculum. Computational thinking is not programming or coding. It is the formal planning process that occurs before the programming or coding occur. As Higson outlines in this video , computational thinking is the process by which students use their knowledge of what computers can do to help them solve problems.
There are four traditional components in the process of computational thinking, as outlined on the BBC Bitesize site –
  • decomposition – breaking down a complex problem or system into smaller, more manageable parts
  • pattern recognition – looking for similarities among and within problems 
  • abstraction – focusing on the important information only, ignoring irrelevant detail
  • algorithms – developing a step-by-step solution to the problem, or the rules to follow to solve the problem
The computational thinking process is different than the Bloom’s Revised taxonomy thinking process because it is not hierarchical. Each of the four components are equally as important in the thinking process of solving the problem.

Additional resources for Computational Thinking

Model 3: Design Thinking

My favorite definition of design thinking is from Kricia Cabral on the Scholastic site, who states “design thinking is a creative problem-solving process that calls for thoughtful solutions to real-world situations”. Design thinking is a thinking process that can work nicely for the STEM curriculum topics as well as across other content areas.
There are many, many design thinking models, all of which promote a similar thinking process. Following are images and links to some popular models. Libby Hoffman included some of the ones below in a blog post and I have added additional models that I think are well-stated and useful.

My favorite model for K-12!

Do you have a specific thinking model you use with your students? Have you developed your own? Please share your thoughts, links, and resources on Twitter! #kathyskatch

Summer passion projects for students

Por Kathy Schrock
This article originally appeared in the Discovery Education blog "Kathy Schrock's Katch of the Month" in June of 2020 and is re-posted here with permission.


Dear Readers, this will be the last concurrent monthly posting of Kathy’s Katch. Perhaps it will be back in another form at some point. I appreciate the support of Discovery Education, the DEN, and the readers of this blog from its inception in September of 2012. #loveyouall

Back in the day, employees of Google could pitch an idea to their supervisor to be able to take advantage of the “20% Time” program. This program allowed engineers and others to spend 20% of their work time on a project they were passionate about. Many of these projects turned into important components of the Google products. I used to love Google Labs, which included prototypes of the ideas being developed. It was so exciting to see some of them “graduate” from Google Labs and become part of the Google product. Others were great tools and it was sad when they did not make it.
One great thing for education came out of the 20% Time projects. Cristin Frodella, who worked in marketing, realized using Google products would be perfect for teaching and learning and she created the Google Teacher Academy during her 20% Time. Many of us attended these useful trainings to become Google Certified Teachers. The program launched in 2006, and I became a GCT in New York in 2008. I was an instructor at the Academy as well as a participant to get my certification.
Here is a photo of the instructors for that 2008 Google Teacher Academy. It was a super team of very smart educators, all of whom you will likely recognize since they are still active in the edtech space!
The Google Teacher Academy had two components. There was this formal training session in NYC, but afterward, each GCT was required to complete two passion projects using the Google toolset and share them in a spreadsheet with all of the other GCTs. My two projects were “Google Goodies: a series of online screencasts for teachers and students for various aspects of Google Apps” and “Google Tips and Tricks: a weekly note to all teachers and students (grades 6-12) with ideas, tips and tricks for using Google Apps”.
I loved working on my projects! I was free to investigate what I wanted to research and create. The only caveats for these projects were they had to use the Google tools and be useful for administrators, educators, and/or students.


Fast forward to today and we know many teachers have adopted this same idea of giving students time during each school week to investigate something they are interested in. This model is usually called “Genius Hour”.  Meshelle Smith has written a great overview of how she implemented a weekly one-hour Genius Hour at the fifth grade level. I feel her model would work at any grade level!
She created a scaffolded model that served to outline the parameters for the goals of the projects without taking away the student choice of the content. For four weeks, the students explored ideas, spent the next three weeks narrowing their topics, and then spent most of the school year researching and creating each week. The last four weeks of the school year was set aside for presenting their projects to the class and to the “real world”. In addition, to keep the students on track, every five weeks they had to submit a “mini-project” about their research to show they were moving towards the goals they had set for themselves.
As with any project-based learning, students needed to keep a journal of their ideas, discoveries, failures, and questions. Meshelle also facilitated collaborative group sessions to allow students to bounce ideas off one another, brainstorm solutions, and help decide how they were going to present their project to the “world”.
I have created a visual overview of Smith’s scaffolding below.


What about extending this idea of “Genius Hour” to summer vacation time for students? Since summer is much shorter than the school year, perhaps students can dedicate 2 hours in a row, per week for 10 weeks, to a passion project of their choice. Or maybe they want to investigate two areas of interest, for 20 hours per project, and call them Snack Projects.
Here are some guidelines for these ideas.


One great site for students to research and learn more about a topic is Discovery Education. With a huge library of assets across the subject areas, students can easily find a topic to research, learn more about, and watch videos. They can create their project using Discovery Education assets or using the notes in their journals, gleaned from their research on the site, to create their project elsewhere. There is more than enough information in the Discovery Education content for both a Snack Project or a Passion Project!
First, I decided to be a 7th grade student who was interested in writing a book of poems for a passion project. I knew I liked listening to poetry when my ELA teacher read it aloud and also when I was assigned poems of different genres to read for class. I was unsure of what type of poetry I wanted to write, so I did a simple search in the ELA subject area of Discovery Education and narrowed the content to grades 6-8.  I found 540 resources to investigate which included videos and video segments, images of famous poets, lesson plan activities I could do, an interactive Haiku Builder, and Studio Boards that teachers all over the world had created to help their students learn more about poetry.
Secondly, I decided to be a 10th grade student who wants to pursue meteorology or fire fighting. I wanted to complete two Snack Projects, investigating each topic. After I conducted a search on “meteorology” in Discovery Education, I got 283 results including videos and video segments, readings in the Science Techbook, instructional images to learn more about weather, and some resources from practicing meteorologists about their career paths.
When I conducted a search on “firefighter”, I was presented with 89 results for the 9-12th grade levels. There were videos and video segments about fighting fires, firefighter equipment, and new firefighting technology. There was also a 26-minute podcast entitled “Stuff You Should Know Podcast: How Wildfires Work”.


The idea of having students working on passion projects over the summer is interesting to think about. With some structure for the time they spend and good online resources for research and information, students can explore their passions to learn more about them and then share their findings with others.
Do you have students working on passion projects in the summer? Do you provide them with some guidance? Do you have them using Discovery Education resources for these projects? 

IPEVO VZ-R HDMI/USB Dual Mode 8MP Document Camera

Por Kathy Schrock
IPEVO has been offering document cameras for schools for many years. Many of us started with their their first offering, the IPEVO P2V (Point to View) USB camera with its removable camera. (Who remembers the thrill the students got when they could show a bug at close range and full screen? Ugh.) That low-cost ($69) device demonstrated to us how effective a document camera could be in supporting teaching and learning.




Fast forward to mid-2020, and IPEVO has just released their 8th gen model, the newly updated IPEVO VZ-R HDMI/USB document camera. This camera has functions we could only dream of in those early P2V days!

Of course, true to its roots, the IPEVO VZ-R HDMI/USB can attach to a laptop, Chromebook, or computer desktop via a USB cable, and mirror what is on the "stage" for recording and sharing a screen of information with others. IPEVO offers two free software programs to support this: Visualizer and Visualizer LTSE (accessibility software to use with the document camera).


The IPEVO VZ-R HDMI/USB, using the USB mode, can be used to support remote  teaching, learning, and meetings. When in USB mode, the IPEVO VZ-R HDMI/USB also activates a built in microphone!

Many educators are submitting their uses of the IPEVO document cameras and sharing them with the rest of us.

IPEVO offers printed step-by-step guides for using the IPEVO VZ-R HDMI/USB in USB mode with some of the most popular online collaboration tools.
IPEVO VZ-R HDMI/USB plugged directly into a projector

The IPEVO VZ-R HDMI/USB document camera can also easily be used to showcase items, live drawings, and book pages to the entire class, even without a computer! Since this document camera also includes an HDMI connection, it can be plugged directly into a projector for mirroring and streaming on a whiteboard with no need for a computer.


IPEVO VZ-R HDMI/USB plugged directly into a monitor or TV

Since many classrooms now use a large touchscreen monitor or flat-screen television for projecting to the class, the IPEVO VZ-R HDMI/USB can also be plugged directly into the HDMI port on the monitor or TV and stream live to the big screen! This document camera includes easy-to-access adjustment buttons to use in any mode, too!

Full product manuals and information may be found here.


  • $219

  • D x W x H (when folded)
    With base-4.57”x 4.25” x 11.85” (11.6 x 10.8 x 30.1cm)
    Without base-3.07” x 1.57” x 11.42” (7.8 x 4.0 x 29.0cm)
  • 2.2lbs (1.0kg)

  • CDVH-03IP
  • Emerald Green

  • 8.0 Megapixel
  • Full auto-focus lens
  • High definition resolutions-up to 3264 x 2448 (USB mode), and up to 1920 x 1080 (HDMI mode)
  • Up to 30 fps live video capture (at full HD)
  • Sony CMOS image sensor and a powerful Ambarella integrated system-on-a-chip (SoC)

  • HDMI and USB

Maximum Shooting Area
  • 10.6” x 18.9” (270 x 480mm) [16:9]
  • 13.5” x 18.1” (344 x 460mm) [4:3]

  • Works with Mac, PC and Chromebook

Package Contents
  • Camera head and stand
  • Base
  • USB Type-C to Type-A cable (4.90ft/150cm)
  • Screwdriver
  • Screws x 4

Minimum Requirements
  • Intel® Core™ i5 CPU 1.8 GHz or higher
  • OS X 10.10 or higher
  • 2 GB RAM
  • 200MB of free hard disk space
  • 256MB of dedicated video memory (For lag-free live streaming up to 1920 x 1080)
Recommended Requirements
  • Intel® Core™ i5 CPU 2.5 GHz or higher
  • OS X 10.10 or higher
  • 4 GB RAM
  • Solid-state drive, and 200MB of free hard disk space
  • 256MB of dedicated video memory (For lag-free live streaming up to 1920 x 1080, and video recording of 1920 x 1080)

Minimum Requirements
  • Microsoft Windows 7 Service Pack 1 or higher
  • Intel® Core™ i3 CPU 3.20 GHz or higher
  • 4 GB RAM
  • 200MB of free hard disk space
  • 256MB of dedicated video memory (For lag-free live streaming up to 1920 x 1080)

Recommended Requirements
  • Microsoft Windows 10
  • Intel® Core™ i5 CPU 3.40 GHz or higher
  • 4 GB RAM
  • 200MB of free hard disk space
  • 256MB of dedicated video memory (For lag-free live streaming up to 1920 x 1080, and video recording of 1920 x 1080)


Below are two of the images taken I was putting the IPEVO VZ-R HDMI/USB through its paces. I attached the sturdy metal bottom plate, plugged it into my Mac, open the IPEVO Visualizer software, and I was ready to go!

You can find out more details of the IPEVO VZ-R HDMI/USB  and learn about the company's other products on the IPEVO site!

Laser Cutters in the Classroom

Por Kathy Schrock
I have long been a user of the paper cutting machines you see in craft stores. I have a Silhouette Cameo machine that I use for making cards and vinyl objects for decoration. It is so much fun!

I have been intrigued by the CO2 laser cutters/engravers which can cut or engrave cardboard, wood, leather, plastic, metal, acrylic, rubber, and glass up to a certain thickness.


FLUX, a CO2 laser cutter/engraver company, asked me to take one of their models for a spin and find resources to support their use in the K-12 environment.

The FLUX Beamo CO2 Laser Cutter & Engraver ($1899), seen below, is compact and has many of the features of the more expensive cutters on the market.

FLUX Beamo


The Beamo can cut and/or engrave on various materials

   Cut and/or engrave       Engrave only 
  • Cardboard
  • Wood
  • Bamboo
  • Leather
  • Acrylic

  • Fabric
  • Rubber
  • Cement
  • Glass
  • Stone
  • Anode metal
  • Stainless steel      

                 Meet the FLUX Beamo

The FLUX Beamo includes software for designing and printing (Beam Studio), but  students can use many other design software programs like Autocad, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, or any software that can export out as a JPG, PNG, SVG or DXF file.

Here are links to a few Beam Studio online tutorials: 1 | 2 | 3

The set-up of the FLUX Beamo was easy and the manual that came with it took me step-by-step through all the things I needed to do. The LCD panel was bright and easy to navigate. I attached the Beamo to the WiFi network in my home (you can also use Ethernet if you wish), downloaded the design software to my Mac, and updated the firmware in the Beamo via a USB drive. I also vented the Beamo out the window to avoid any fumes in the basement. (FLUX offers an Air Fume Extractor for the classroom so you would not need to vent it out a window.)

I used a 4.5" square piece of ⅛" wood and loaded a sample item, found in the Beam Studio software, to print. There is a camera in the Beamo that allows you to see, when in the software, where the item will be printed on your material. It took about 4 minutes for the Beamo to first engrave and then cut out the item.

Below is the finished product. And I went from unboxing to set-up to upgrading firmware to learning the software and to printing in about 1.5 hours! The learning curve was really small since the documentation was so well-done. 

Want to find out more? Here is the link to the Beamo Guide and Beam Studio Guide.

And my first project of my own design is below: 


There are many online resources that include tons of great ideas for the use of a laser cutter to support the curriculum and school community. Following are overviews of the ones I thought were most helpful. 

Most resources target student use of laser cutters at the middle and high school levels. However, as we found out with 3D printers, students of all ages can create a design and the final product can be printed out by an adult. 

One very cool feature of the FLUX Beamo Go app (iOS and Android) is that a student can draw a design on paper, use a phone or iPad to take a picture of it, send it to the Beamo and print it out. This method easily allows students to create projects with the Beamo laser cutter!


This 158-page handbook was compiled with ideas from many of the educational experts in the fields of constructing and creating. There are ideas for many constructivist projects using various tools. I did a search of the PDF for "laser". There was information on what students learn during both the design process and the machine cutting process, which included ratio, tools, unit, scale, and other math skills and also learning how a laser works. (10)

In another project, included by Susanna Tesconi, students go through the design thinking process, and, during the prototyping stage, if the laser-cut object needs to be re-worked, each student has a box where they put their "failures". At the end of the unit, students explain how their journey to success was helped by each of the prototypes. (36)

Heather Allen Pang outlines how she taught a unit on the history of telecommunications and had pairs of students create their own telegraph. She cut out the bases on the laser cutter, but students wired and tested their telegraphs. (79) 

Another project supplied by Pang is having students create silhouettes that are laser-cut. This project brings history and new technology together. (84)
Mark Schreiber has his high school students make an ugly Christmas sweater by using all types of materials, many of which include electronics for the sweaters to blink and play music. However, he has them use the laser cutter for cutting out the felt objects for the sweaters. (89)

There are many more ideas in this free book including parent and teacher collaboration. Make sure to download it! 


Although this guidebook for high school level students was put out by another laser cutter manufacturer, it includes the rationale you might need when asking for a laser cutter/engraver to be put in the budget.

This document includes ideas for both curriculum support projects and also ways in which the school can both save money (making plaques) and make money (selling school-themed keychains in the school store).


Trotec, another laser cutter manufacturer, offers another great resource which would be applicable for middle and high school. This PDF includes categories which outline learning outcomes, instructional strategies, assessments, and additional learning resources for each of them. The categories are:
  • Personal and project management
  • Science and history
  • Materials
  • Supporting tools
  • Laser operation
  • Graphic essentials
  • Health and safety

This site includes links to instructions for easy projects to have students create with a laser cutter.





    I hope I have supplied you with some great reasons and ideas to purchase a FLUX Beamo CO2 Laser Cutter & Engraver for your classroom, Makerspace, or STEM lab. 

    With its small footprint, easy-to-use functions, and low cost, once you get one and start students creating projects to support the curriculum, raise money for a field trip, or make up the award plaques for the assembly, you will wonder why you did not purchase the Beamo sooner!

    For updated links, visit my site here:

    We Sheltered and Learned: Converting a Face-to-Face Course During a Pandemic

    Por Loriene Roy
    Volume 61, Issue 3-4, July-September - October-December 2020, Page 216-220
    • 10 de Julho de 2020, 03:50

    IPEVO's cool new DO-CAM

    Por Kathy Schrock
    Since many K-12 schools and universities may still be including some type of remote or blended teaching and learning in the education mix for this coming school year, having a document camera can help support both the students in the classroom and those watching online. In addition, when meeting with students for content support, a doc cam can allow you to show the doc cam video in a Zoom or Google Meet window for the students.

    Since many lessons include both digital and analog assets, like math manipulatives, science lab materials, and textbooks, a document camera can support the times educators need to show the student something -- whether it be a demo of a art lesson, a certain passage in a book, or the process of assembling a robotic component.

    IPEVO has a host of document cameras available, and I recently reviewed their newly updated IPEVO VZ-R HDMI/USB Dual Mode 8 MP Document Camera. This document camera has a ton of features including HDMI connections, easy focus, and many more. 

    However, many teachers just need a simple document camera to showcase work, writing or book pages as part of a lesson. Or they may need to record the lesson for student review, too! The new IPEVO DO-CAM HD Ultraportable 8MP USB Document Camera /Webcam fits the bill, and it is also becomes an external Web camera by just flipping up the top!

    At a $129 list price, this lightweight (12 oz.), USB-powered device is the perfect addition to your desk at school or at home. It is easy to carry the IPEVO DO-CAM back and forth from home if you need to -- it has a small footprint and and a handy cable storage system. It works with Windows, Mac, and Chromebook computers. (The DO-CAM does not have a microphone, so you will have to use the mic in your computer or an external mic.)

    The DO-CAM can be used to project a full sheet of paper and any 3D object. And, as I stated before, it can be used as a Web cam for your face, or for showcasing a student in the classroom who is demonstrating something. The DO-CAM can be used for many creative purposes! 

    The DO-CAM works with IPEVO's free Visualizer software which is available for Windows, Mac, and ChromeOS. This software includes tons of ways to take advantage of the DO-CAM.
    • Snapshot
    • Videorecording
    • Slow motion recording
    • Live broadcast
    • Time-lapse recording
    • Scanning a QR code or a document
    • Magnify
    • Stop-motion
    • Split-screen
    IPEVO also offers a tool called IPEVO CamControl for your Mac or Windows computer which allows you to control and adjust some basic image settings of your IPEVO USB document camera’s live images when you use it with third-party video conferencing software.

    Scholastic provided some great ideas for use of a document camera in their article titled Tech Primer: Document Cameras. And the TECHNOKids site provides some interesting ways to use an external Web cam in the classroom, too!


    Image quality: DO-CAM comes with an 8MP Sony CMOS image sensor for exceptional performance in noise reduction and color reproduction. Capture details of your materials in Ultra HD resolution up to 3264 x 2448

    2-in-1 Document Camera and Webcam: Flip the camera head of DO-CAM to switch back and forth between document sharing and ‘face to face’ communication. The Flip Button allows you to pick the correct image orientation at all times.

    Lightweight and compact: Being the lightest on the market at 0.74lbs (335g), and having the size of a handheld pencil case, DO-CAM is convenient to use, store, and carry around.

    The utmost stability and flexibility: All of DO-CAM's interconnected sections are fully adjustable to capture your content at different heights, angles, and orientations. A cable holder has been incorporated to store the attached cable.

    UVC Camera compatibility: DO-CAM is USB Plug & Play compatible with MAC, PC and Chromebook. Use it with IPEVO's Visualizer software and any other third-party software of your choice.

    Take a look at the IPEVO DO-CAM here and find out more about it! And this page from IPEVO includes the set-up for use of the DO-CAM with Zoom, Webex, Microsoft Teams and more, as well as a list of compatible software it works with, such as Camtasia, Google Meet, Skype, and more.

    IPEVO's Mirror-Cam

    Por Kathy Schrock

    IPEVO is always coming up with useful, low-cost ways to help teachers support teaching and learning. From the early days of the Point-to-View (P2V) small document camera to their current line of powerful document cameras, IPEVO's new Mirror-Cam is a game-changer! It utilizes your webcam and your keyboard area to project an object, books, or papers to your computer. The Mirror-Cam is the perfect addition to your videoconferencing toolbox.

    The mirror inside of the Mirror-Cam reflects the keyboard area of your laptop and your webcam perfectly captures the reflected image.

    The Mirror-Cam comes in a set of six. You simply assemble them, and set the Mirror-Cam on the top edge of your laptop screen, covering the webcam. It is easy to attach and take off, so your webcam is still accessible for presenting, too. And the Mirror-Cam folds down easily to keep it in your computer accessories bag.

    Watch the video to learn more!

    (Update 9/10/20) The Mirror-Cam is back in stock now! And, at least right now, there is no limit on the number that can be purchased!

    While you visit IPEVO's store page, take a look at some of their other offerings. I have recently reviewed the portable DO-CAM and the upgraded VZ-R document camera. (BTW, I receive the devices from IPEVO to review, but I don't get any money if you purchase the items.)


    In the video below, I started from scratch, assembled and "installed" the Mirror-Cam, and showed a few projections from items sitting on my laptop keyboard!


    Por Pilar Gil García, Francisco José Valentín Ruiz

    Reflexiones sobre la problemática actual y el futuro de la preservación de la información y los documentos electrónicos −digitales y digitalizados− que se conservan en los archivos administrativos e históricos y en otras instituciones que gestionan o conservan documentación. El trabajo hace especial referencia al modelo Open Archival Information System (OAIS) de la norma ISO 14721 como parte de un sistema de preservación institucional.

    Some thoughts about the current problems and future of preservation of digital and digitized records and documents kept in the administrative and historical archives and in other institutions that manage or preserve documentation. The work makes special reference to the Open Archival Information System model (OAIS) of the ISO 14721 standard as part of an institutional preservation system.

    • 3 de Outubro de 2020, 22:00


    Por Paloma Alfaro Torres, Antonio Luis Galán Gall

    En las universidades españolas, la investigación es uno de los principales activos de la institución, que junto a la innovación y al desarrollo tecnológico han configurado un nuevo escenario para las bibliotecas universitarias que han tenido que adaptarse a
    esta nueva dimensión de gestoras del conocimiento científico. En muchas de ellas se han ido creando servicios de soporte a la investigación para dar respuesta a estas nuevas necesidades. En este trabajo se hace un estudio del crecimiento de Servicio
    de Apoyo a la Investigación de la Biblioteca de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, con un análisis de las diferentes líneas de actuación.

    In Spanish universities, research is one of the main assets. Together with technological innovation and development a new dimension has been created for university libraries to act as a management of scientific knowledge. Many of them have created research support services to respond to these new needs. In this work, a study is made of the growth of the Research Support Service of the Library of the University of Castilla-La Mancha, with an analysis of the different guidelines of action.

    • 3 de Outubro de 2020, 22:00


    Por Gabriela Mejias, Paloma Martín-Arraiza

    La apertura, fiabilidad e interoperabilidad de la información científica son aspectos cada vez más relevantes para la comunidad científica. Para consolidar y mantener buenas prácticas se considera necesario establecer una comunidad de práctica, constituidas por un dominio, una comunidad y una práctica. A partir del concepto de comunidad de práctica, ORCID estructura su concepto de consorcio, de forma que las estrategias e intercambio de conocimiento y prácticas globales se puedan adaptar a los diferentes contextos nacionales y sectoriales. Este texto explora estas estrategias, muestra experiencias de diferentes consorcios de ORCID y presenta posibles escenarios de realización en el contexto español.

    Openness, reliability and interoperability of research information are increasingly relevant aspects for the research community. To consolidate and maintain good practices, it is considered necessary to establish a community of practice, consisting of a domain, a community and a practice. Based on the concept of community of practice, ORCID structures its consortium concept so that strategies and exchange of global knowledge and practices can be adapted to different national and sectoral contexts. This text explores these strategies, shows experiences of different ORCID consortia and presents possible implementation scenarios in the Spanish context.

    • 3 de Outubro de 2020, 22:00


    Por Patricia Cavalari

    Este artículo es una reflexión sobre los recursos electrónicos y el cambio esperado en un futuro cercano para todos los agentes implicados en él: financiadores, investigadores, editores, proveedores de tecnología y agregadores de contenidos. Ya empiezan a aparecer los “Acuerdos Transformativos” y se ven como un momento de transición hasta que tengamos un escenario real de Open Science. En esta nueva realidad, los agentes financiadores deberán indicar las Guidelines para publicación en Open Access (OA), así como las nuevas o alternativas métricas que medirán el impacto de la investigación en la sociedad. Los editores deberán adaptarse y crear sistemas de producción editorial que soporten artículos cada vez más atomizados y participativos. La distribución de los contenidos cambiará y los journals perderán peso. La tecnología tendrá mucho que decir, y la Inteligencia Artificial y la Realidad Virtual apoyarán la producción y la diseminación del conocimiento. Finalmente, miraremos el papel que China quiere desarrollar en los próximos años y su impacto en el sistema.


    This article is a reflection on Electronic Resources and the expected change in the near future for all agents involved in it: funders, researchers, publishers, technology providers and content aggregators. The “Transformative Agreements” are beginning to appear and are seen as a moment of transition until we have a real Open Science scenario. In this new reality, the funders must indicate the Guidelines for publication in Open Access (OA), as well as the new or alternative metric that will measure the impact of research on society. Publishers must adapt and create editorial production systems that support increasingly atomized and participatory articles. The distribution of content will change, and journals will lose power. Technology will have much to say, and Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Reality will support the production and dissemination of knowledge. Finally, we will look at the role that China wants to play in the coming years and its impact on the whole system.

    • 3 de Outubro de 2020, 22:00

    IPEVO's Uplift and iDocCam make a perfect pair!

    Por Kathy Schrock

    Although having a dedicated document camera, like IPEVO's DO-CAM which I reviewed here, there is another great solution from IPEVO that takes advantage of using your own smartphone as the document camera feed.

    The IPEVO Uplift is a multi-angle arm for smartphones. You simply insert your smartphone in the padded clip, and adjust the arm to any angle or orientation you want to! The sturdy base keeps the IPEVO Uplift from tipping over. 

    You can use your phone attached to the Uplift as a Webcam to show your face and arms when you are demonstrating a science lab or a basketball move, showcase a page in a book or a text piece, use it for holding the phone still when you are creating a stop-motion animation, do a close-up on an object, and it allows you to use your hands to record a paper slide or Common Craft-type video for your students!

    There are two secret sotware ingredients to this process. The first is the IPEVO Visualizer software (no cost) which is available for Mac, Windows, and Chrome. The IPEVO Visualizer allows you to display the video from any camera feed, record it, modify it, and more. You can use it to show what your camera sees, either on a big screen or in an online video conferencing app.

    With Visualizer you can adjust the displayed image in various ways. You can zoom in, rotate, mirror, change the resolution, adjust exposure, apply a video filter, take a snapshot, and more! 

    The second secret ingredient is IPEVO's iDocCam app (iOS/Android) which allows you, in conjunction with the Visualizer software on your computer, to select your smartphone as the camera source for the desktop if the two items are on the same network. 

    You can then wirelessly view, control, or adjust the live images captured by your smartphone's camera, such as educational instructions, worksheets, training guides, presentation notes using the Visualizer software.

    IPEVO's iDocCam is not free, but is priced as a monthly or yearly subscription or you can purchase it outright. If you purchase an IPEVO Uplift, you get six months of iDocCam use included right now!


    I did not receive any monetary compensation from IPEVO for writing this article. I did receive a copy of the iDocCam app and the Uplift Multi-Angle Arm so I could try things out!

    The flexible FlexClip video maker

    Por Kathy Schrock

    FlexClip is an online video editor with lots of great features and tons of assets! You can use the included templates or create your video from scratch. You can also import a video you already have  made and edit and customize it in many ways. This video maker/creation site does it all!


    FlexClip has over 40 video template categories including templates for birthday wishes, technology, holidays, marketing, education, Instagram, TikTok and everything in-between. Each category has multiple templates that are editable to meet your needs. There are even intro and outro templates which can provide you with a reusable beginning and ending for any video you create!

    All of the tools have interfaces that are easy to understand, navigate, and do and un-do mistakes.

    I picked the "Education and Training" templates to see what was available.

    I picked the one below to explore the customization features of the templates.

    I could decide whether I wanted to pick media assets from the FlexClip collection, upload files from my computer, and record directly in the Flexiclip interface.

    In addition to recording directly into FlexClip from the web cam, I could screencast, too!

    There were tons of stock videos and photos that I could use as part of my video.

    I could pick any number of type styles, locations, and backgrounds for the text on the title slide.

    I was then presented with choices for overlays for text for decorative additions and had the ability to add a logo to the video.

    Included was a library of elements and shapes to use to highlight items in a video.

    I could add a professional-looking background using their stock backgrounds. These would probably be used for the title slide or the outro of the video.

    FlexClip provided background music to use with the ability to change its volume and loop it.

    And, to protect my original work, I could add a watermark and place it where I wanted on the video.

    I loved how easy it was to pick a format for my video!

    FlexClip included other cool features, too. There were choices to animate a photo and place it in the video.

    There was a library of filters to pick from.

    I could even adjust saturation, brightness, tint, and more to enhance the photos or videos.

    Here is the list of tools that are included with FlexClip  whether using the supplied templates and assets or your own.

    - Add a logo to a video

    - Add music to a video

    - Add text to a video

    - Add a watermark to a video

    - Compress a video’s size

    - Convert a video to another video file format

    - Add a filter to your video

    - Change the brightness of your video

    - Merge videos together

    - Rotate the direction of your video

    - Change the speed of your video

    - Split your video into separate sections

    - Add transitions to your video

    - Add a zoom-in or zoom-out transition to your video


    If I did not want to use one of the templates in FlexClip  I could start with my own blank canvas to work on!


    FlexClip has four pricing plans, as shown below. They offer monthly and annual pricing.

    FlexClip is an easy-to-use video creation and editing tool. Even though there are a ton of options available, the tool did not overwhelm me. The menu structure and navigation are consistent, which helps a lot. From the beginner video creator who just wants to customize templates and use the stock assets and music to the professional video creator, Flexiclip can work for anyone!

    In exchange for this review, I received a subscription to FlexClip.

    Academic Library COVID-19 Subject Guides

    Por Melissa Fraser-Arnott
    Volume 61, Issue 3-4, July-September - October-December 2020, Page 165-184
    • 23 de Dezembro de 2020, 07:42

    Beyond the Classroom: Collaboration or Exploitation?

    Por Loriene Roy
    Volume 61, Issue 3-4, July-September - October-December 2020, Page 227-231
    • 3 de Janeiro de 2021, 01:05

    Presenting with Apple's Keynote in Zoom

    Por Kathy Schrock

    I am one that needs my notes in front of me when I present. Whether I look at them or not, it makes me feel more secure if they are there. 

    I have been doing a lot of presentations on Zoom using Keynote. In order to see my notes, I have had to use two monitors. Of course, when I push Play in Keynote in real life, I see my notes and the audience sees the presentation on the "big screen". 

    In Zoom, I share the window of the the external monitor, that has the presentation showing, with the audience and I see my notes in front of me. I do see my video and can open the chat if I need to. However, there are sometimes problems directing the audio so both the audience and I can hear me speaking and any video sound.

    I finally have come up with a one-computer solution to the problem!

    Here are the instructions followed by screenshots.


    1. Open or join a Zoom meeting.
    2. Pick SHARE SCREEN and tap the ADVANCED tab.
    3. Pick PORTION OF SCREEN. Stay on that ADVANCED tab. 
    4. In the bottom left corner of the ADVANCED tab, check SHARE SOUND and OPTIMIZE FOR VIDEO CLIP.
    5. Hit SHARE in the bottom right. Don't worry (yet) about the green frame that shows up.


    1. Open your Keynote presentation.
    3. Move things around on the screen to allow you to both see your notes and make the current slide as large as possible.
    4. Move the Zoom green frame over the current slide and resize the green frame  by dragging the handles
    5. Close the PRESENTER DISPLAY.
    6. This time, pick PLAY - REHEARSE SLIDESHOW and you will see the Zoom CONTROLS (and you can open the Zoom chat) and your notes. The audience sees only the slides in the green frame.
    7. Any videos play and you can open the slide navigator if you need to.

    LibGuide Standards: Loose Regulations and Lax Enforcement

    Por Darcy Del Bosque
    Volume 62, Issue 1, January-March 2021, Page 1-22
    • 4 de Fevereiro de 2021, 05:28

    N°21 décembre 2020

    Sommaire - N° 21, Décembre 2020

    Visions d'ailleurs :

    Études et recherche :

    Comptes-rendus d'expériences :

    Comptes-rendus d'événements :

    Recensions :


    IPEVO Whiteboard and VZ-X

    Por Kathy Schrock

    Back in July 2020, I wrote a review of the IPEVO VZ-R HDMI/USB Dual Mode 8MP Document Camera ($219). That is a great document camera with excellent optics and many useful features. 

    Since then, IPEVO has also released the IPEVO VZ-X Wireless/HDMI/USB 8MP Document Camera ($329) which has the same excellent optics but with the addition of built-in wireless! With this wireless capability, you can easily connect the document camera to your computer, AppleTV and your iOS or Android device!

    IPEVO has released a new version of their IPEVO Whiteboard software for iPad to take advantage of this wireless connectivity. Simply connect your IPEVO wireless document camera via WiFi to an iPad or Android tablet using IPEVO Whiteboard. You can then display, adjust, draw, or annotate on the live image. You can also take snapshots or record videos, and add annotations and audio. In addition, you can start from a blank whiteboard and record yourself as you annotate and bring in assets.

    I decided to give the new IPEVO Whiteboard for iPad a try. It is now optimized for the Apple Pencil, too, and includes an easy-to-use pallete for color, lines, highlighters, and shapes.

    IPEVO Whiteboard also includes advanced tools such as a ruler and a protractor which would come in handy for math lessons. There is also a Spotlight tool which can help you draw the student’s attention to important sections of the screen. You can also use the Attach function to add an image, text, map, and more to the whiteboard. 

    If you pick the video recording option, you can record your material with audio and annotations as you conduct live lessons or your introduction to a unit. This is great asset for students who need to review the material again or for a flipped classroom model. 

    I created a blank whiteboard and picked the video option.

    The IPEVO Whiteboard for iPad comes in two versions — the regular version and the Pro version. The Pro version adds the advanced features of disappearing ink, the ability to add a browser window or a map, some background templates, picture-in-picture capability, and more! 

    The Pro version of IPEVO Whiteboard for iPad is $1.99 per month or $19.99 for a year and is available as an in-app purchase.
