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Power Search across the Web

Por Edwin K
Find the exact content you’re looking for with super specific topics and publications

Feedly already digests and presents updates from the sources you value. But to really stay ahead of the curve, it pays to search beyond the publishers you already follow – to the blogs, articles, reports, and debates that are turning heads, but almost buried among the noise online. 

That’s why we’ve given Feedly the ability to look further with Power Search across the web. It drills down into the specific information you want to find beyond your existing feeds and sources.

In this way, you can learn something new, discover new sources for future reference and easily share reputable insights with your colleagues and social network. It intersects the exact content you’re looking for with super-specific topics and publications. 

Here’s what Power Search across the Web does, and how to use it. 

Introducing Power Search across the web

Search is a relevance game. It’s easy to lose time in the wormhole of search engines. Meanwhile, the low hit rate of typical news aggregators and alert features can leave you pulling hairs out.

Feedly gets around this with a carefully vetted database of more than 40 million trusted web sources. Collectively, they publish 110 million articles, journals, and videos. on a daily basis. 

But that’s still a crazy amount of info and analysis. So we help you refine this down with buckets – categories of publications that make a search super granular. 

You can think of each bucket as a list of trusted publications that focus on a specific industry, function or topic. They tell the search exactly what to filter. You get hyper-relevant content that can be saved to a Feedly board and shared with your team or out into the wider world. Six popular buckets are surfaced automatically yet other, more narrow buckets can be chosen – we’ll show you how to do this later in our guide.

Discover what trade publications are saying about a company. Track topics on strategy sources. Bring up the conversation around a product in business magazines. The knowledge is yours to shape and tinker with. 

How it works

Okay, let’s imagine you’re part of the Innovation Hub at Aéroports de Paris. You’re looking for ground-breaking stories and reports about the airline industry. 

First, click on the search icon to open Power Search, select the new Across the Web tab, and search for the airlines topic.

Go to Power Search across the Web and search for airlines

You get instant access to highly relevant articles from expert and trusted sources.

Search across the web for the topic airlines

You can also search for companies, people, products, or other keywords you are interested in.

Narrow to specific publications

The initial search is performed against a set of default buckets: strategy magazines, trade publications, business magazines, and tech blogs.

But you can narrow your search to a specific slice of the web. Click on +SOURCES and lookup energy for example. This is a powerful way to find articles about airlines across a broad set of energy publications.

Search for the topic airlines in energy publications

Refine your query with Leo topics and business events

You can refine your query by adding additional parameters (topics or business events) using the +AND operator.

For example, you can easily search for product launches related to the airline industry by combining the airlines smart topic and the product launch business event

Create more advanced queries with AND, OR, and Leo topics and events

Cut through the noise with Exclude

Okay, now let’s remove some results you 100% don’t want to find. For instance, any mention of COVID-19…

The Exclude feature allows you to filter out specific topics or keywords from the search results. Click on Exclude > +Topic and enter COVID-19.

Use the exclude feature to filter out the noise

Advanced mode

If you are a power user, you can use the Title Only knob to let Feedly know if you want to search only in the title of articles or the entire content.

The where on the web feature also includes a funnel button gives you more control over which publications should be included in the buckets. Pick leading publications if you are searching for a popular term and pick all publications if you are searching for a niche topic and you want your search to be as broad as possible.

Make your Feedly better 

Once you’ve discovered a great new article, you can click on the source name and see the other articles that the source has published. This is a powerful way to find new sources for niche topics.

If the content is highly relevant, you can use the +FOLLOW button to add that new source to one of your Feedly feeds and receive the next articles published by that source.

Use power search results to discover new insightful sources to follow

Your turn

15 million users are already using Feedly for their own trade and market analysis. Ready to join them? 

Cut to the heart of what matters. Set up your Feedly account today.

Save PDFs To Your Feedly Boards

Por Edwin K
Bookmark, annotate and share PDF documents on Feedly

You may know your way around our Feedly Boards already. They’re a place to save useful insights you’ve found in Feedly or around the web, and share them as Team Newsletters with your teammates.

But insights can come from many kinds of media, including market reports, conference brochures, presentation decks, or whitepapers packed with industry knowledge. Typically, these exist in a PDF format.

Now, you can save PDFs to your Feedly Boards, so nothing is left out for a deep-dive understanding of a subject.


Let’s suppose you’re an analyst for JP Morgan, learning about breaking developments in financial services. Here’s how to add the PDFs you find to your Boards.

Say you come across a fantastic online market report. In this case, it’s all about the technologies set to disrupt financial services in the near future.

Interesting PDF report on disruption in financial services

Copy the URL from the browser URL bar.

Then, return to your Feedly Board, choose + ADD STORY, and paste the URL.

Select +add story and past the URL of the PDF you want to save

Feedly will extract the PDF’s title automatically from metadata or the name of the file. You can also shorten and change the title yourself. 

Feedly detects the link is a PDF

Before you can save a story to a Board, add a summary.

Summaries show your team what they’re about to read and why it matters. They’ll also show up your Team Newsletter. 

Write your own, or do as we’ve done here and copy the first paragraph of the report’s summary.

Add a summary and click on save to board

Once you’re done, click ‘Save To Board’.

The Board should now have your PDF at the top.

The PDF link has been successfully added to your board

It’ll stay there for anyone in your team to view and comment on. Add as many PDFs as you want to populate the Board, so you can easily access all the reference points you need in one place.

If your board is configured with a team newsletter or a Slack or Microsoft Teams notification, the PDF link will be automatically included and shared with your teammates.

Your turn

Follow these steps to add slides, brochures, guides, market reports and more to your Boards. Now that you can save any insights you come across, you can be sure that crucial information never escapes you or your team when building a fuller picture of a topic.

Get more out of Feedly now with Team Newsletters with our Enterprise plan. You’ll also get additional Boards, sources and sharing functionalities.

Mute Market Reports with Leo

Por Olivia Malterre
Remove market reports, so that you can focus on only the topics and trends that matter to you, without the noise

We heard from lots of users that market reports can be a considerable source of noise when you track company updates.

We are excited to announce a new Market Reports topic.

We have taught Leo to identify market reports so that you can easily mute them from your feeds and save time. Leo recognizes market reports as any article that is either an ad for buying a market report or a sample of a market report.

Quick Demo

Let’s imagine you have keyword alerts to track updates about various health companies such as Amgen, Novartis, and 23&Me.

Market reports represent a large portion of the articles in our feed

As you can see, a considerable amount of these articles are market reports.

Let’s train Leo to read this feed and filter out all the noisy market reports.

You can create a new Leo mute filter by click on the Train Leo button and selecting the Mute Filters skill.

Create a new Leo mute filter

In the Mute Filters editor, search and select the Market Reports smart topic.

Search for the new #market reports smart topic

You can see a preview of all the articles that Leo has read and recognized as Market Reports.

Leo mutes articles he recognizes as market reports

Leo will continuously read your feed and remove market reports, letting you focus on the topics and trends that matter to you.

Our feed is now free from any noise coming from market reports

The Leo Market Report mute filter helps us cut through the noise and track company updates a lot more efficiently.

Yuan Shen Yu

Train Your Leo Now

We are excited to see how many Feedly users declutter their feeds and dig deeper into the topics and trends that matter to them. Sign up today and discover what Leo can do for you!

If you are interested in learning more about Leo’s roadmap, you can join the Feedly Community Slack. 2020 will be a thrilling year with new skills and bold experiments!

Feedly’s 25 Keyboard Shortcuts

Por Lele Phi
A cheat sheet to master time saving for shortcut lovers

At Feedly, we’re passionate about saving you time. Even seconds. So here’s another useful tip to speed up your reading flow!

When you press “?” anywhere in Feedly, you’ll see a list of all available keyboard shortcuts.

Here are all 25 shortcuts at a glance:

List of 25 shortcuts. Tip: Make sure that you do not have caps lock on!

Backed by popular requests from the community, today we introduce 2 new shortcuts: gg and t

gg – Jump to… Anywhere You Want

If you have hundreds of sources packed inside a dozen feeds, gg will be a simple way to search and navigate specific sources and feeds.

Use the gg shortcut to quickly jump to a feed, source or board in your Feedly

t – Save to Board

When you find an interesting article and want to save it to your boards – the shortcut t comes in handy.

Use the t shortcut to save an article to one of your boards

Wisdom from the Community

We take your feedback close to our hearts. Let’s team up on our journey to continuously improve your Feedly experience by joining the Feedly Community Slack channel.

New Newsletter Annotation Settings

Por Edwin K
Team Newsletters are one of Feedly’s most popular features. You can turn Team Boards into newsletters that automatically send a summary of the content that has been recently added to that board.

One of our goals for 2020 is to make board newsletters more customizable. Some teams use notes and highlights as internal collaboration tools and would like the options to NOT include those annotations in the newsletters they sent to their executives, partners, or customers.

New Newsletter Annotation Settings

Now admins can configure their board newsletters to exclude their notes, their highlights, or the Leo summarization.

Feedly AI and Summarization

Por Edwin K
Ask Leo to read the articles in your feeds and highlight crucial sentences

Reading through a large number of articles every day can be time-consuming, especially if those articles are long.

Helping you save time is a problem we are very passionate about, so we are excited to release today a new Feedly AI feature called Summarization.

We have taught Feedly AI to read and summarize the articles in your feeds so that you can more efficiently scan through articles and determine which ones are relevant.


Feedly AI automatically reads all the articles in your feeds and summarizes them.

Articles lists showcase those summaries as articles descriptions.

Feedly AI summaries in article lists

When you open an article, Feedly AI also highlights the key sentences which are part of the summary. The goal is to help you get to the key insights more efficiently.

Feedly AI reads and highlights the most important sentences

Board newsletters and slack integration also take advantage of the Feedly AI summaries for the article descriptions.

Available Now

The Feedly AI Summarization feature is available now to all users in the Pro+ and Business plans.

If you prefer not to see the blue highlights, you can turn them off via the Feedly AI Summary Highlights preference.

If you have feedback about the Leo Summarization skill, you are welcome to join the Feedly Champions slack channel and discuss it with the product team.

Feedly AI and Topics

Por Edwin K
Feedly aI lets you track specific topics, companies, and keywords in your feeds

Broad business and tech publications produce hundreds of articles per week. Not all those articles are relevant to the topics, companies, or products you care about. Manually filtering out the noise can be overwhelming and time-consuming.

Relevance is a problem we are very passionate about. We have spent the last two years designing and building Feedly AI to help declutter your feeds and save time.

Unlike opaque recommendation engines, Feedly AI has a set of AI Models that let you define and control what is relevant to you.

We are excited to show you how the Feedly AI Topic Model lets you track specific topics, companies, and keywords in your feeds.

Let’s get started!

Companies, people, and products

Feedly AI knows about all the companies, people, and products listed in Wikipedia and in the news. You can ask Feedly AI to look for any of those named entities (and their known aliases) and prioritize articles that are a match.

You can, for example, look for mentions of your competitors or prospects in your industry or tech feeds.

Train Feedly AI to prioritize mentions of Tesla across a set of trusted business sources

Smart Topics

Feedly AI understands how to recognize articles about hundreds of “smart” topics (like artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, blockchain, energy, health, etc..). He’ll be looking for thousands of different terms related to that smart topic. We designed smart topics because an article can be about artificial intelligence without including the term “artificial intelligence”.

Train Feedly AI to prioritize #AI across a set of broad business sources

We continuously teach Feedly AI new smart topics. If there is a specific topic you would like to sponsor, please email

Keyword matches

You can also ask Feedly AI to look for exact matches of a keyword you are interested in. In this mode, Feedly AI behaves like a saved search.

Train Feedly AI to look for exact matches of the “downsizing” keyword in your business feeds

Refine with AND and OR

You can design more sophisticated priorities by combining multiple topics using AND and OR. AND means that both of the topics need to be present. OR means that either of the topics needs to be present.

Train Feedly AI to look for mentions of DNA or CRISPER and cancer in your health industry feeds

Combine with other skills

The AI Model can be composed with all the other AI Models allowing you, for example, to easily prioritize articles that reference a product launch (business AI Model) while also being related to #artificial intelligence (technology AI Model)

Train Feedly AI to prioritize product launch articles related to #AI

Or high severity software vulnerabilities (cybersecurity AI Model) related to docker (topic AI Model)

Train Feedly AI to prioritize critical Docker vulnerabilities

Continuously learning

You can use the Feedly AI “less like this” down arrow to correct Feedly AI when a topic detection is incorrect. This feedback is channeled to the Feedly ML Team and to the datasets used to train Feedly AI, making topics increasingly more accurate and relevant over time.

Feedly AI continuously learns from your feedback

Train Feedly AI Now

We are excited to see many Feedly users declutter their feeds and dig deeper into the topics and trends that matter to them. Sign up today and discover what Feedly AIcan do for you!

If you are interested in learning more about Feedly AI’s roadmap, you can join the Feedly Community Slack. 2020 will be a thrilling year with models and bold experiments!

Hey Google, Talk to Feedly

Por Edwin K
Have you ever wished Google Assistant could read you the articles in your Feedly? Now it can.

Nick Felker has created a Google Assistant Action that integrates Google Assistant and Feedly.

Thanks to the Feedly action, Google Assistant can list the headlines in your feeds, read specific articles, and even save articles into boards for later access.

We are looking for fifty users to test drive the beta experience and provide Nick feedback on what works and what could be improved. If you are curious about how listening to your Feedly feels, join the beta program!

Leo understands funding events, product launches, and partnership announcements

Por Edwin K
Easily track key business events like funding events, product launches, or partnerships.

Industries are changing at a faster pace than ever. Keeping up with new threats and opportunities can be overwhelming and time-consuming.

Today, we’re excited to announce a new Leo skill that lets you easily track key strategic moves like funding events, product launches, or partnerships.

Here’s a quick demo:

Funding Events

We have trained Leo to detect and understand funding events. This means that you can now ask Leo to read your tech, business or industry-specific feed and prioritize articles related to funding events saving you a tremendous amount of time.

Track funding events in your feeds

Product Launches

We have also trained Leo to detect and understand product launches.

Track product launch announcements in your feeds

Analysts and marketers can now train Leo to read their trusted industry publications and alert them when competitors launch new products in their space.

Partnership Announcements

Finally, you can also easily prioritize the fraction of articles referencing partnership announcements.

Track partnership announcements in your feeds

You are In Control

Strategic Moves become even more potent once you combine them with other Leo skills.

For example, you can train Leo to prioritize articles referencing a product launch (business event skill) and related to #artificial intelligence (topic skill).

Track funding announcements related to #artificial intelligence

Continuously Learning

You can use the Leo prompt or the “less like this” down arrow to correct Leo when the event detection is incorrect. This feedback helps make Leo continuously smarter.

Tell Leo when he has detected a wrong event so that he can learn

Trained across 24 industries

Different industries use different vocabulary to describe these strategic moves so we trained Leo across 24 different industries.

Leo’s industries

Train Your Leo Now

We are excited to see many Feedly users declutter their feeds and dig deeper into the topics and trends that matter to them. Sign up today and discover what Leo can do for you!

If you are interested in learning more about Leo’s roadmap, you can join the Feedly Community Slack. 2020 will be a thrilling year with new skills and bold experiments!

Meet Feedly AI

Por Edwin K
Cut through the noise and focus on the specific topics and trends that matter to you

Goodbye Information Overload

Filtering out the noise so you can focus on what really matters is a challenge we are deeply passionate about.

Today, we are delighted to announce Feedly AI.

How Does Feedly AI Work?

We have been teaching Feedly AI how to read and analyze information so that it can declutter your feeds. With Feedly AI, instead of spending hours going through hundreds of articles every day, you can free your mind, focus on what matters, and save time.

Unlike opaque algorithms, Feedly AI gives you total control over your feeds. Feedly AI has a set of skills that help it understand the world and enable you to define what is relevant to you.

Feedly AI allows you to prioritize topics, trends, and keywords of choice; deduplicate repetitive news; mute irrelevant information; summarize articles, and so much more. 

Feedly AI reads and analyzes articles

The Topic AI Model lets you prioritize specific keywords, mentions, topics, and trends.

The Like-Board skill lets you train Feedly AI by example. If you have curated over the time a board of specific topics or trends, you can ask Leo to read that board, understand what you are interested in, and prioritize future articles he thinks you’re likely to save to that board.

The Business Event AI Models let you track industry activities such as funding events, partnerships announcements, product launches, leadership change, etc.

Feedly AI is much more sophisticated than a simple news filtering tool. It’s a true AI that uses machine learning and NLP to filter out the noise.

Jon Henshaw (Lead SEO Analyst – CBS Interactive)

See Feedly AI in Action

Imagine that you follow a broad business feed connected to many sources with thousands of new articles per month.

You can ask Feedly AI to read all the articles and prioritize the most insightful ones in the new Priority Tab.

Feedly AI prioritizes the more relevant articles in the new Priority tab

With Feedly AI, you are in control of the priorities.

Let’s imagine you are interested in the autonomous car trend. With just a few clicks, you can train Feedly AI on this new priority:

Ask Feedly AI to prioritize articles about autonomous cars

Once trained, Feedly AI continuously reads all articles in your feed and prioritizes the ones mentioning autonomous cars.

Articles prioritized by Feedly AI have a green priority label, which gives you a clear understanding of why the article was prioritized. You can then take further actions such as Refine Priority, Pause or Remove that priority.

Each prioritized article has a label and an explanation

Feedly AI is smart! It continuously learns from your feedback:

  • When you save an article to a board, Feedly AI considers that action a positive signal that reinforces learning.
  • When Feedly AI is wrong, you can use the “Less Like This” down arrow button to correct Feedly AI and refine future recommendations.
Use the Less Like This down arrow button to correct Feedly AI

Feedly AI helps us to find the signals in the noise. With Feedly AI, we can automate our knowledge gathering and focus on growing our expertise.

Tino Klähne (Head of Strategic Design – Lufthansa Innovation Hub)

Train Your Feedly AI Now

We are excited to see many Feedly users declutter their feeds and dig deeper into the topics and trends that matter to them. Sign up today and discover what Feedly AI can do for you!

If you are interested in learning more about Feedly AI’s roadmap, you can join the Feedly Community Slack. 2020 will be a thrilling year with new skills and bold experiments!

Meet the New Feedly Dark Theme and Navigation Bar

Por Edwin K
We’re excited to launch a new version of the Feedly Web UI that improves the navigation and adds support for a cool dark theme.

Here’s a quick demo of the new Feedly dark theme and left navigation bar updates:

More visible Add Content (+)

The profile and add content are now more visible in a left band. Team users will also be able to more easily add new teammates and share feeds and boards.

The new left band

Pin or unpin

You can continue to pin or unpin the navigation bar


Right-click Menus

You can right click on a feed, a source, a board, or a priority and use the contextual menu to quickly manage your resources.

Right-click on any object

Easily rename inline

Renaming your feeds, sources, boards, and priorities is a lot easier.

Rename inline

Drag and sort

Drag and drop and easily re-order your categories.

Drag and sort sections

This impacts both the order in the left navigation and the order of the sections in the Today page.

A Cool New Dark Theme

The day/night icon on the left band makes it easy to switch from the default white theme to the new cool dark theme.

Thank you!

We would like to thank Gregoire Vella for leading the design of these two projects. We are very excited to have Gregoire as part of the design team. He has a really sharp eye and he is a pleasure to work with.

We would also like to thank the Feedly Lab community and Twitter community for all the bugs and suggestions reported during the beta.

We are continuously shifting to a more open and collaborative process. If you are actively using Feedly and want to share ideas or frustrations, please join the Feedly Lab Community on Slack or Twitter.

Happy reading!


Feedly AI understands vulnerability threats

Por Edwin K
Train Feedly AI to prioritize the most critical vulnerabilities in your cybersecurity feeds

Do you need to keep up with the latest vulnerabilities and threats but do not have the time to read all your security feeds? We can help.

In 2018, fifteen thousand vulnerabilities were discovered, the number of exploits doubled and more than four security articles were published every minute. Keeping up with all these trends can be time-consuming and overwhelming.

This is a problem we are very passionate about and have been researching with two of the largest security teams in Silicon Valley.

Today, we are excited to announce a new AI Model called Security Threats.

We have been teaching Feedly AI to read security articles and find or assess the severity of the software vulnerabilities they mention so that it can help you focus your attention on the most critical threats in your feeds first.

Here is a demo!

Let’s look at how you can train your Feedly AI to prioritize articles mentioning critical vulnerabilities related to Microsoft, WordPress, or Docker.

Cut through the noise

Feedly AI reads and prioritizes the most critical threats in your feeds

Feedly AI continuously reads your feeds and short-lists the most critical vulnerabilities in the priority tab.

For example, you might have a cybersecurity feed connected to niche security experts, vulnerability databases, keyword alerts, etc. with thousands of new articles per month.

You can train Feedly AI to read those 1,000+ articles and prioritize the 30 or so referencing high severity threats (CVSS > 8) and related to vendors you care about (Microsoft, WordPress, Docker in the example above).

Feedly AI’s new Security Threat Models

You’re in control

Feedly AI is not an opaque recommendation engine. Instead, Feedly AI has a set of skills that gives you control over defining what information is important to you.

The new Security Threat skill allows Feedly AI to read an article, lookup CVE, CVSS, and exploit information from multiple open source databases and determine how critical a vulnerability is.

The new Security Threat skill also includes a sophisticated machine learning model that allows Feedly AI to assess the severity of a threat based on the vocabulary used to describe the software vulnerability. This is particularly useful for zero-day vulnerabilities which might not have a CVE or CVSS.

Training Feedly AI to prioritize vulnerabilities is very simple.

Creating a Feedly AI cybersecurity model

The first layer of the model captures the severity threshold. High means CVSS > 8 or CVSS > 5 but with an exploit.

The second layer of the model captures the list of vendors.

Control and transparency are core Feedly AI design principles.

All the articles prioritized by Feedly AI have a green priority marker. Clicking on that marker offers an explanation of why the article was prioritized and the opportunity to refine, pause or remove that priority.

Full control and transparency

When an article is related to a CVE, you can also click on that CVE to get additional information about the vulnerability: description, CVSS score, exploits, patches, etc.

Quick access to CVE information

Continuously learning and getting smarter

Feedly AI learns from its mistakes. When a recommendation is wrong, you can use the “Less-Like-This” down arrow button to correct Feedly AI.

Feedly AI learns from Less Like This feedback

You can let Feedly AI know that it misclassified a vulnerability, miscalculated the severity, or misidentified a vendor.

Feedly AI learns from your feedback and gets continuously smarter.

Streamline your open-source intelligence

We are excited to see many security teams declutter their feeds and dig deeper into the vulnerabilities that matter to them. Sign up today and discover what Feedly for Cybersecurity can do for you!

If you are interested in learning more about Feedly AI’s roadmap, you can join the Feedly Community Slack. 2020 will be a thrilling year with new skills and bold experiments!
